Page name: Reservoir Dogs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-11-20 19:08:57
Last author: NibblerLove
Owner: gilmour
# of watchers: 6
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D20: 18
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This wiki is a group of robbers. We always go for the richest places. We don't like to kill, but we do if needed. Boys and girls are aloud. And when you're on the job, you don't tell anybody about yourself personally. We use nicknames instead. You must choose a colour for your nickname. My nickname is Mr. Brown. Example nicknames are Mr. Orange and Ms. Green. We will do role plays where we play as our character and rob banks. Oh, and don't pick long colours as your nickname. Just pick a short and regular colour.

the dog's job

Mr. Brown [gilmour]
Position: Boss
Job: Plans Robbery
Preferred Weapon: Sawnoff Shotgun

Ms. Magenta [Kisa_sama]
Position: Right hand Lady
Job: Dissabler and/or Accomplice. And to recruit more robbers into the gang.
Preferred weapon: 28 ga, automatic shotgun or 22rimfire.

Mr. Yellow [FlexiKort]
Position: Underboss
Job: The boss personal hitman
Perferred weapon: M-16 with scope and grenade luancher.

Mrs. Green [black+white]
Position: Worker
Job: Crowd and Employee Controller
Preferred weapon: Nine Millimeter

Ms. Stripes [*(.Randi.)*]
Job:Stay in Getaway car (even though I can't drive)
Preferred weapon:Any type of gun

Mrs.Blood red [NibblerLove]
position: Hot friend!
Job: Distractions
Preferred weapon: hand gun

Ms. Orange (now Mrs, Pink :P)[XxTsomexX]
Position: Worker
Job: collects civilians wallets
Perferred weapon: A bo-staff or just hand to hand.

Mr. Pink [Koho Ai]
Position: worker
Job: distraction/safe cracker
Preferred weapon:Grenade with grenade launcher

[.Toxic Valentine.] - Retired .

Position: Stripper! oh yeah!
Job:To stripp other ppl! lol
Preferred weapon: A whip

Ms. Black [Tony Stark]
Position: uh... no idea
Job:breaks everyone out of dificult positions
Perferred weapon: Hammer

Ms. Violet [Papa Don't Preach]
Position: spy
Job: checks out the opposition and gives info back to boss
Preferred weapon: microphone

Username (or number or email):


2007-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: hello.

2007-03-07 [Papa Don't Preach]: hey

2007-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: how are you today?

2007-03-07 [Papa Don't Preach]: im good and how are you?

2007-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: stressed about exams and all that.

2007-03-07 [Papa Don't Preach]: aww.. you'll be fine...

2007-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: hope so..

2007-03-07 [Papa Don't Preach]: yeah, you'l do better than me.. isnt hard

2007-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: well i got a B in chem .. but its my best science .. biology and physics on monday!

2007-03-07 [Papa Don't Preach]: is that the mocks or real thing?

2007-03-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: reals..

2007-03-07 [Papa Don't Preach]: oh... i had my prelims and failed them all =/

2007-03-07 [Aki Neko]: meow!!!

2007-03-08 [Papa Don't Preach]: rawr

2007-03-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: awwwwwwwww

2007-03-08 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-03-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugs all around*

2007-03-08 [Papa Don't Preach]: *hugs back*

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: ^___^

2007-03-09 [FlexiKort]: its snowing today...!!! >:[ and its march!

2007-03-09 [Papa Don't Preach]: lucky you.!!

2007-03-09 [FlexiKort]: I dont like snow... i would've liked it, if it was warm :P

2007-03-09 [.Toxic Valentine.]: same here.

2007-03-09 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-03-09 [Aki Neko]: mew...

2007-03-10 [Papa Don't Preach]: :P

2007-03-10 [Aki Neko]: i like snow!!! exept when it gets in your pants. itscold...  ~{. .}~brr...

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: -.-

2007-03-10 [Aki Neko]: sorry.^ ^' too much info...

2007-03-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: aww hehe its cool...

2007-03-10 [FlexiKort]: what if it gets in your shoes? :P

2007-03-10 [XxTsomexX]: ahhhhh thats even worse

2007-03-10 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-03-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: haha

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: mew. try sledding into somone.

2007-03-11 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-03-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *huggles you all tight*

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: -.-

2007-03-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ok.
who likes mcr here?

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: ME!

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: MEMEME!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: what mcr song is it?!?!?!

2007-03-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: cancer.

2007-03-11 [Papa Don't Preach]: me!!!!

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: yeah!! but its wierd that they call it cancer and the song is about lukimiya...

2007-03-11 [Papa Don't Preach]: leukimia is considered a type of cancer nowadays tho

2007-03-11 [XxTsomexX]: yeah

2007-03-11 [Aki Neko]: oh.

2007-03-11 [Papa Don't Preach]: its ok.

2007-03-11 [FlexiKort]: Hah?

2007-03-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: that song made me cry ..

2007-03-11 [Papa Don't Preach]: i know... its v sad

2007-03-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: wish i could play it.

2007-03-12 [FlexiKort]: i want to play to zanarkand.... but i dont know how to read notes on piano, and its no video on youtube thats shows you really how...

2007-03-12 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i actually do but then again they dont show them on there! !?

oh and MCR-I DONT LOVE YOU << New Vid!!

2007-03-13 [Aki Neko]: i have thier new cd. DISENCHANTED REMINDS ME OFF MEAS HUGHES!!!TT^TT rip...

2007-03-13 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i love disenchanted .. it really touched me .. it made me cry so hard.......

2007-03-13 [Papa Don't Preach]: thats my fave one

2007-03-14 [FlexiKort]: boob

2007-03-14 [Papa Don't Preach]: :S

2007-03-14 [.Toxic Valentine.]: .. what? got a problem with it?

2007-03-14 [gilmour]: ... im confused im not gonna lie

2007-03-14 [.Toxic Valentine.]: glimour not you .. you dont worry.

2007-03-14 [gilmour]: oh phew! *hug*

2007-03-14 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugs tight* you dont worry .. i love you too much .. but pinball on the other hand has some damn explaining to do.

2007-03-14 [gilmour]: yeah it was kinda random <img:44166_1164145305.gif>
but i wouldnt worry bout it

2007-03-14 [Aki Neko]: mew.

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol... confuzzled? very....

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: im sorry i just found it affencive that pinball had NO respect for my feelings .. so what if im EMO.....  ITS NOT A F**KING CRIME

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: what did he say?

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: just something over private message that i dont wish to share.

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: oh...

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: im sorry.

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: *hugs ace* 

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: dont be sorry *hug*

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *cuddles you both * thanks you lot .. i loves you loads

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: <img:stuff/$-sign-gif.gif>

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: love u too ace... if u want to talk im just a msg or msn away

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: same here

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: know you guys are *hugs both*

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: <img:61691_1132936287.gif><img:61691_1132959456.gif>

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: aww

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: pinball is on...

2007-03-15 [FlexiKort]: ive neverd said anything bad about you :S well not with intention...

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: *hugs back* an uh oh

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: dont worry guys and pinball im sorry i got the wrong idea .. i hope were ok?

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: <img:stuff/mood17-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood10_gif.gif><img:44166_1164903263.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:stuff/lo-gif.gif><img:stuff/lo-gif.gif><img:stuff/lo-gif.gif><img:stuff/lo-gif.gif><img:stuff/lo-gif.gif><img:44166_1164144932.gif><img:44166_1164145171.gif><img:44166_1164145221.gif><img:44166_1164145197.gif><img:44166_1164145184.gif><img:44166_1164145262.gif><img:stuff/shadN-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood12-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood12-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood17-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood7-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood8-gif.gif><img:stuff/hh-gif.gif><img:stuff/c-gif.gif><img:45154_1117568632.gif><img:stuff/exitedN-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood16-gif.gif>

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: awww.....

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: so cute >.>

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: <img:stuff/lo-gif.gif>

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: <3 u all

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: <img:44166_1164144892.gif>

2007-03-15 [gilmour]: <img:44166_1164145171.gif><img:stuff/kis-gif.gif>

2007-03-15 [Papa Don't Preach]: :P

2007-03-15 [FlexiKort]: i should be the one saying i hope were ok... :P i hope were ok to xP

2007-03-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: :) :)

2007-03-16 [Aki Neko]: why? are we not okay?

2007-03-16 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-03-16 [.Toxic Valentine.]: bye all.

2007-03-16 [FlexiKort]: BYe

2007-03-16 [Papa Don't Preach]: bye

2007-03-16 [.Toxic Valentine.]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

2007-03-16 [Papa Don't Preach]: *hugs*

2007-03-17 [Aki Neko]: O O'

2007-03-17 [FlexiKort]: i just found a cockroach in my room... that annoys me.

2007-03-17 [gilmour]: ew!

2007-03-17 [XxTsomexX]: eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

2007-03-17 [FlexiKort]: yea...

2007-03-17 [Papa Don't Preach]: yuck!!

2007-03-18 [FlexiKort]: any1 want it? ill mail it to you :P

2007-03-18 [Papa Don't Preach]: no thanks..

2007-03-18 [Aki Neko]: i just killed a wasp on my window. it came out of nowhere!!!<img:44166_1164145253.gif>

2007-03-18 [Papa Don't Preach]: o.O

2007-03-18 [FlexiKort]: ... a wasp xD

2007-03-18 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]:



2007-03-18 [XxTsomexX]: myu?

2007-03-18 [FlexiKort]: wha?

2007-03-18 [XxTsomexX]: lalala!

2007-03-18 [Koho Ai]: 0_0

2007-03-18 [XxTsomexX]: XD im bored :P

2007-03-18 [FlexiKort]: ima go to sleep now O_O

2007-03-18 [XxTsomexX]: see ya

2007-03-18 [Aki Neko]: <img:>

2007-03-19 [Koho Ai]: *pulls out another gatling gun*

2007-03-19 [Aki Neko]: NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! puchiko is cool!!!!!! shoot naraku or kyogra instead!!!!!!

2007-03-19 [Papa Don't Preach]: lol

2007-03-20 [Aki Neko]: kyogra will die, and naraku will soon follow.T\/TBURN IN HELL BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-20 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2007-03-20 [Aki Neko]: sorry. they killed my shoro, and it took a year to get him back.

2007-03-21 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: nakie! baby!

2007-03-22 [Aki Neko]: ...myu...*imaginig kyogra dieing* MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!1

2007-03-22 [gilmour]: do me poll

2007-03-22 [Aki Neko]: k

2007-03-22 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: fine! gosh soo damanding!

2007-03-23 [Aki Neko]: lol

2007-03-23 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: hehe*giggles*

2007-03-23 [Aki Neko]: my poll!!!

2007-03-24 [black+white]: i shall

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^coolio!

2007-03-24 [__DELETED ACCOUNT]: i did it!

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^ you guys like being random?

2007-03-24 [Papa Don't Preach]: i know.. its cool tho

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ?

2007-03-24 [Papa Don't Preach]: random is cool

2007-03-24 [FlexiKort]: What does that mean?! randomness....

wraghahsazhguiasd this pc annoys me... everything does right now, everything annoyes me! and some people.... but not you guys, and girls :P

2007-03-24 [Papa Don't Preach]: randomness. being spontaineous in your actions.

2007-03-24 [FlexiKort]: uhm... spontaineous? xD lol

2007-03-24 [Papa Don't Preach]: er... saying anything even if it has nothing to do with what we are talking about

2007-03-24 [FlexiKort]: oh... like pie?

2007-03-24 [Papa Don't Preach]: moo :P (exactly)

2007-03-24 [FlexiKort]: i like cakes better...

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: I got mail Yay

2007-03-24 [FlexiKort]: what kind of mail? e-Mail or mail in the mail box? from the mail man :)

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Elftown mail

2007-03-24 [FlexiKort]:

2007-03-24 [Papa Don't Preach]: i got no mail.. :(

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: male lady(like mail (male)man)

2007-03-24 [black+white]: hi ppl!!!

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: hya!

2007-03-24 [black+white]: ^_^

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: donnknow

2007-03-24 [black+white]: dont wrry... i didnt ask.

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^ (>^(>O_O)> kirby rape!

2007-03-24 [black+white]: <img:44166_1164145147.gif> uhm... y r we raping kirby?

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: donn know..

2007-03-24 [black+white]: oh.... ok..... *walks away* <img:44166_1164469620.gif> *sprints out the door*

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: O O

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: *trips you as you run*

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: *hides*

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: lol...f**k...dont kill the guy

2007-03-24 [black+white]: im scarried.... *hides in the corner* i shall come after u...... in a minute.... *keeps hiding* plz dont hurt me!!! u wouldnt hit a girl?!?!?!?!?!?!

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: *approches with knife*<img:Untitled-1.gif>

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: *hides*

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: jk

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: *Approaches with gun*<img:stuff/mood5-gif.gif>

2007-03-24 [black+white]: MOMMY!!!!!!!!! THEYRE TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!!!!!! *runs*

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: O O

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: *pulls trigger and out comes bubbles*

2007-03-24 [black+white]: <img:44166_1164145147.gif>............ <img:44166_1164903241.gif>

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: <img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:44166_1164903241.gif><img:stuff/mood5-gif.gif>

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: <img:44166_1164144892.gif>naaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: <img:stuff/mood14-gif.gif><img:stuff/mood3-gif.gif>

2007-03-24 [black+white]: <img:44166_1164145272.gif> stop it!!!!

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: <img:44166_1164145253.gif>

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: *blows bubbles*<img:44166_1164145221.gif>randomness is the soul

2007-03-24 [black+white]: im still scared. u guys shuld be ashamed of urselves.... act like children.... *walks away* i'll just sit here and glare at u all with my evil glare of glares*

hehehe. looky, looky. i put my scary picture up on my home page!!!! its the second pic.

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: *huggels*im sowwy!

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: *Evil glares back with demonic furby on shoulder*

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: join the wiki! ppl are waayy random there. but, you have to answer the question first.

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Furby: I smoke crack

Unholy: I know

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ...your in.

2007-03-24 [XxTsomexX]: *twitches* furby....

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: I'm already there take a look around your see me there.d

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Furby:I'm going to kill your mommy with an axe

Unholy:OH crap

2007-03-24 [Aki Neko]: die snuggels!!!

2007-03-24 [Koho Ai]: Furby:I'm going to shoot you with a gun

Unholy:Not if I beat you to it

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